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What Is The Best E-Commerce Platform For B2B Manufacturers?

The B2B manufacturing landscape is no longer defined by towering smokestacks and dusty invoices. A digital tidal wave is reshaping the industry, and e-commerce sits at the crest. Gone are the days of phone calls and paper catalogs—streamlined online sales are the new engine of growth and efficiency. But with so many platforms vying for your attention, how do you choose the right one?

Forrester's 2019 forecast of $1.8 trillion in US B2B e-commerce sales by 2023 proved prescient, yet underestimated the sector's explosive growth. The pandemic acted as a catalyst, propelling sales past $1.7 trillion by 2021, and the momentum shows no signs of slowing down. 

With digital-native millennials increasingly guiding B2B purchasing decisions, Forrester predicts a staggering $3 trillion market by 2027. And B2B manufacturers who fail to embrace e-commerce risk falling behind their digitally agile competitors.

Why B2B Manufacturers Need E-commerce

Imagine streamlining your B2B sales process, reaching a wider audience, and empowering customers with self-service tools. E-commerce unlocks these possibilities and more, boosting:

  • Scalability: Cater to increasing demand and product complexity without breaking a sweat.
  • Customer reach: Expand your market beyond geographical limitations.
  • Efficiency: Automate tasks, reduce manual errors, and free up resources for strategic initiatives.
  • Transparency: Offer customers real-time product information, pricing, and order tracking.
  • Relationships: Foster stronger connections with B2B buyers through personalized experiences.

Which E-Commerce Platform is Best for B2B?

Choosing the right e-commerce platform is like picking the perfect tool for the job. Just as a carpenter wouldn’t use a screwdriver to hammer a nail, you wouldn’t choose a B2C platform to tackle the complexities of B2B manufacturing. 

There are many factors to consider when making your choice, such as:

  • The complexity of your product catalog: Do you have hundreds of simple products or intricate, custom-made machinery?
  • Your B2B customers’ needs: Are your buyers looking for quick transactions or in-depth product specifications and configuration options?
  • Integration needs: Does the platform play nice with your ERP, CRM, and other existing software systems?
  • Scalability and future growth: Can the platform handle your business as it expands?

Different platforms cater to different needs. Some, like BigCommerce and Shopify, offer user-friendly, all-in-one shopping cart solutions ideal for manufacturers just starting their e-commerce journey. 

Others, like Adobe Commerce and SAP Commerce Cloud, are more powerful and scalable, but also require more technical expertise and investment.

At Nansen, we believe the sweet spot lies in Optimizely’s B2B Commerce Cloud

Optimizely for B2B E-commerce Success

Here's why:

Built for B2B, not just for business: Forget cookie-cutter B2C solutions that fall short of your complex needs. Optimizely understands the intricacies of B2B and the platform offers many must-have B2B features. Handle complicated product configurations with ease, manage tiered pricing and personalized quotes like a pro, and effortlessly streamline multi-level approval workflows. Optimizely is crafted to empower your B2B sellers and marketers, not hold them back.

Data-driven decisions, sales-driven results: Guesswork is for amateurs. In today’s data-rich world, insights are your fuel. Optimizely arms you with A/B testing tools to fine-tune your online store, powerful analytics to understand your customers, and personalization capabilities to deliver experiences that convert. Watch your conversion rates soar as you learn, adapt, and optimize every step of the buyer journey.

Seamless integration, scalable growth: Your existing systems are the backbone of your business. Optimizely integrates seamlessly with leading ERPs, CRMs, and payment gateways, ensuring smooth data flow and eliminating operational headaches. Whether you’re a mid-sized manufacturer or an industry giant, our platform scales with your, accommodating expanding product catalogs, increasing customer bases, and future ambitions. Choose on-premise, cloud-based, or SaaS and fully-composable deployment based on your needs, and rest assured knowing Optimizely can handle whatever your tomorrow brings. 

Proven success, real-world results: Don’t take our word for it. See how we’ve helped B2B manufacturers like Bimba Manufacturing and Seura leverage the power of Optimizely to:

  • Increase submissions up to 47%
  • Improve conversion rates up to 60%

It’s Time For B2B Manufacturers to Invest in E-Commerce

Your B2B ecommerce platform is an investment in your future. Take your time, do your research, and choose the B2B offering that will help you reach your full potential in the digital age.

With the right B2B platform and the right guidance, you'll be well on your way to forging a thriving online presence and taking your B2B business to the next level.

In 2024, don't just sell—sell smarter and faster with Optimizely. Contact us today and let's turn your online presence into a B2B sales powerhouse!

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