Financial Services Company Empowers Partners for Growth Through Innovative Digital Experience

Recognizing a decline in revenue and efficiency due to an uncompetitive partner experience, the company took decisive action. They employed the Nansen Exploration Workshop framework to better understand their partners’ needs. This facilitated the development of a powerful new strategy built on service design principles. As a result, the company revitalized its partner experience and achieved significant improvements in revenue and efficiency.

Partner Strategy
Experience-led Growth

The Challenge

The existing digital platform offered a subpar experience for producer partners. It lacked efficiency and user-friendliness, hindering their ability to self-serve and effectively manage customer engagements. This led to decreased revenue and efficiency for the business.

In response, a new ambition was established: to transform the company’s digital tools into the primary destination for producers. By empowering partners with self-service capabilities and fostering success in their customer interactions, the company aimed to cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship

The Process

To prioritize the needs of their producer partners, the company partnered with Nansen to deploy the Nansen Exploration Workshop framework. This approach, built on design principles and service design, aimed to understand different partner behaviors and their specific requirements.

Through immersive workshops, Nansen placed partners at the center of the innovation process. These sessions explored future possibilities, uncovering challenges and opportunities to improve the partner experience. The workshops mapped customer journeys by adopting a Human-Centered Design approach, ensuring they considered all partner needs.

The company’s unwavering focus on partners, trend research and impact mapping led to the creation of a unified vision. This vision addressed partner needs and seamlessly aligned with the company’s overarching goals and success metrics, showcasing the effectiveness of the collaboration

The Solution

Through the Nansen Exploration Workshops, a decisive new goal emerged: empowering producer partners to deliver exceptional client experiences. The team leveraged partner data to identify high-growth segments and their specific needs. This data, trend research, and a focus on user needs laid the groundwork for a Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) designed to deliver immediate value to partners.

This initial version of the partner experience prioritized user success, ensuring partners had the tools to excel from the outset. The MMP also served as a foundation for future scaling and improvements, ensuring the partner experience can adapt continuously to evolving needs.

In the client's own words

“The Nansen Exploration Workshop was truly inspiring. It fostered a growth mindset and challenged us to surpass the competition, not just match them.”

The Result

Prioritizing a deep understanding of producer needs and market trends, the Nansen Exploration Workshop series ensured the project would deliver a truly impactful solution for clients. Success was defined by its positive impact on partners, establishing clear benchmarks to measure progress towards a more engaging experience.

Nansen envisioned a modern, user-friendly solution that could empower producers to thrive in today’s technological landscape. An experience map laid out the partner journey, showcasing how key features, illustrated through user flow prototypes, would streamline their work. Additionally, a future-proof roadmap incorporated AI functionalities designed to specifically address areas where it would have the most significant benefit for producers.


Our Contribution

  • Service design
  • UX design
  • Workshop facilitation
  • Change management
  • Journey mapping
  • Impact mapping


Our Contribution

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