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The Nansen Wintercamp - Day 1

The idea behind the Wintercamp is simple. We travel to a remote location and stay at a private, secluded house for 4 to 5 days with fellow Nansen staff from all our offices. There, in the daytime, we code, hack, create and build together.

The Nansen Wintercamp - Day 1

April 3, 2014

The first ever Nansen Wintercamp is now taking place in Koppars, Järvsö, Sweden.

The idea behind the Wintercamp is simple. We travel to a remote location and stay at a private, secluded house for 4 to 5 days with fellow Nansen staff from all our offices. There, in the daytime, we code, hack, create and build together. When we don't code we cook, eat and stay with each other, enjoy the surrounding expansive grounds and leisure activities with each other.


The general approach is to keep it spontaneous, unscheduled but loosely follow the theme; Nansen wireframe boilerplate and Nansen Encore.


The 14 of us, designers, UX:ers, frontenders, backorders and project managers, from the London, Stockholm and Chicago office arrived yesterday, Wednesday, at lunch. The day began with intro sessions to the Encore framework, the Boilerplate and a general open-ideas discussion on what we wanted to build.


Here is a few of the ideas that we want to build  

  • Update and create new client cases for
  • Pre defined information on how and what we and our clients works with sprints and demos.
  • Integrate the wireframe boilerplate into the Encore framework so that we, via versioncontrol/TFS can track changes in the wireframes.
  • Setup syncing between TFs and our preview server.
  • Clean up the front-end code inte the wireframes blocks.
  • Decide on a grid for the boilerplate.
  • Initial research if it's possible to build a drag-n-drop interface for the wireframe tool.
  • Integrate Commerce into the Encore framework
  • Integrate Epi Find into the Encore framework
  • Build a restful API for Episerver; GetPage() and GetChildren()
  • Encore 7.5 digital editor help.

After that we divided ourselves into 5 groups and declared the Wintercamp as open. End of the first day!

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