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Digital Experience Platforms (DXP): How to Drive Innovation in CX

Strategic business leaders know that delivering meaningful and seamless customer experiences is critical to success in 2021—and many have started turning to Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) to help power their online CX.

Strategic business leaders know that delivering meaningful and seamless customer experiences is critical to success in 2021—and many have started turning to Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) to help power their online CX.

What is a DXP?

To understand and cater to their customers, enterprises have long leaned on disparate tools such as Content Management Systems (CMS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Where these tools and their corresponding data are often siloed, a DXP streamlines all aspects of CX, allowing for greater alignment and even automation of the processes that delight, convert and retain customers.


From email marketing to customer intelligence to content management, Digital Experience Platforms such as Episerver (soon to be named Optimizely) equip enterprises with the tools they need to deliver continuity across the whole customer journey. 


And for businesses that choose a DXP like Episerver, recently named by Gartner a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Platforms 2021, continuity is just the beginning.

Learn more about the World Class Digital Experiences here.

Among the leading Digital Experience Platforms that make delivering superlative customer experiences simpler, Episerver stands out for a number of reasons: the number and quality of capabilities it offers, fast time-to-market, and a powerful combination of simplicity and flexibility.


In its recent DXP report naming Episerver a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Platforms, Gartner notes that Episerver “has a good understanding of the DXP market. This understanding is supported by its product vision and acquisitions.” Here at Nansen, we couldn’t agree more. As a long-term partner, we’ve been consistently impressed by Episerver’s commitment to product evolution. Thanks to a laser-focus on expanding and improving its offering, Episerver now contains a suite of tools as comprehensive as any DXP out there, including specialized services like experimentation and A/B testing.


And while Episerver is a highly robust DXP, it also supports a pragmatic approach to digital transformation. Its modular pricing allows Nansen clients to take advantage of the capabilities that will have the most impact now and add additional capabilities only as needed. Episerver also offers clients the ability to easily integrate with existing technology investments and surface data to and from legacy systems.


What’s more, Episerver is built for speed. It supports rapid deployments and releases 50+ updates per year, ensuring customers always have the features the market demands. This speed also translates into unmatched time-to-value—Forrester has estimated that Episerver delivers three times the value in half the time of the nearest competitor.


Finally, as a DXP, Episerver offers both unparalleled ease of use and immense flexibility. From a development perspective, it’s easy to extend the functionality of the platform, build integrations, and deliver maximum business impact faster than any other platform we’ve worked with. 


Putting a DXP into Action

We’re proud to have worked with the Episerver team for 13+ years. The combination of the Digital Experience Platform’s streamlined suite of CX tools with our strategic approach to innovative customer experience design has produced countless success stories.


Check it out for yourself: explore notable case studies for a pet food brand reimagining its digital ecosystem, high-end camera firm FLIR introducing personalization to its CX, and many more.

You can check The Nansen CX Vision and Roadmap Accelerator Workshop here.

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