Optimizely helps businesses deliver the best possible digital experience for every customer. With the world's most advanced web experimentation features and seamless integration with existing tools, Optimizely allows marketers and developers to test personalized experiences, targeted messages, and recommendations across the customer journey.
Optimizely's AI-powered experimentation and personalization tools support every kind of test users want to try. This includes the ability to combine targeting options, providing greater flexibility and accuracy. And because Optimizely pulls in data from multiple third-party sources, users can create much more dynamic profiles for their customers, adding a layer of confidence to personalization efforts.
Optimizely puts great emphasis on seamless integration with third-party tools. By combining Optimizely Web Experimentation with other best-in-class tools (including Google products), digital marketers can design a custom digital experience stack to meet their specific needs and goals.
Optimizely users don't need to worry about experiments slowing down their websites. Thanks to sub-50-millisecond experiment load times,Optimizely Web Experimentation tools can run more tests in more places without any impact on page speed or other crucial parts of the digital customer experience.
Optimizely developed its own framework called Stats Engine. Optimizely reports are unique-visitor based, which guarantees that it won’t calculate the same visitor or conversion twice. What’s more, Optimizely’s dashboard allows users to see the results of a test in real-time. The rapid processing of data by Optimizely means that many users can get insights of statistical significance within hours of launching an experiment.
Our work begins with a goal. Then we read the landscape, discover hidden motivations, and chart the course on a journey to create platforms and experiences that are always built to connect, inspire and to serve.