Screen grab of TC Energy's website homepage

TC Energy Maximizes Optimizely Investment with Nansen

TC Energy, a leading North American energy company, partnered with Nansen to revitalize its digital presence and pave the way for future growth. Together, they optimized the company's Optimizely implementation, streamlined website management, and successfully launched a rebranded digital platform.

Total Experience TX
Website Management
Experience Platforms

The Challenge

TC Energy is a Canada-based oil and gas company with more than 7,000 employees that helps provide power to people in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. 

When TC Energy business leaders contacted Nansen in 2018, they were working to elevate the brand’s digital presence with Optimizely while also preparing for a major rebranding effort. Working with an Optimizely partner agency like Nansen would be integral to helping them achieve both goals.

The Process

TC Energy had already implemented Optimizely CMS before Nansen came on board. However, the content and website management improvements they had expected from Optimizely had never materialized, and both the marketing team and website developers were struggling. Having invested heavily in the new CMS and other tools, TC Energy was frustrated and looking for answers.

Over time, it became clear that a poor implementation was the culprit. TC Energy needed to clean up its content model before continuing its digital transformation or preparing for the rebrand ahead.

Male TC Energy employee in full uniform making a phone call

The Solution

To begin cleaning up TC Energy’s Optimizely implementation, the Nansen team traveled to the TC Energy office in Calgary. There, Nansen ran a collaborative workshop to understand what was happening in the backend of the TC Energy website and prioritize the next steps. 

Working hand-in-hand with the TC Energy teams that worked closely with the website, Nansen first defined critical requirements for the content TC Energy planned to create (i.e., content types and how editors wanted to manipulate them). The next step was to remap the company’s content model to ensure the optimal structure was in place to create all that content, including new blocks and pages as needed.

Finally, with the corrected Optimizely structure in place, Nansen managed the small-detail work—cleaning up page types and blocks, adjusting workflows, and more—that TC Energy needed in order to empower their content and IT teams to easily manage their website. By dramatically improving the employee experience (EX), Nansen helped TC Energy move closer to delivering the best possible total experience (TX).

In the client's own words

The Result

Nansen’s website clean-up gave TC Energy full access to the power of Optimizely at last. Internal teams gained greater control over their main website and the ability to quickly and easily create new landing pages and ancillary sites to support campaign-specific messaging and engagement.

Building on the improvements made and confidence gained through the Optimizely fixes, Nansen and TC Energy next turned to the company’s rebranding project and the rollout of a powerful new digital platform.  

Nansen built a new site with the new name and brand look and feel, handling both backend and frontend development and carrying over the learnings gained from the recent Optimizely clean-up. The website, requiring thorough testing, was critical to the new TC Energy brand rollout.

Nansen led the QA efforts to ensure all aspects of the site looked and functioned according to the new branding. Nansen also helped “flip the switch” to the new TC Energy site on launch day, making fixes and improvements as needs arose. 

The launch of TC Energy’s rebranded digital presence was a success, and led to the most recent phase of the company's collaboration with Nansen. 

After settling into its new and improved platform, TC Energy was ready to continue its path to digital maturity. Nansen helped guide the company through several hands-on product workshops and discussions to uncover pain points and opportunities, develop ideas, and create a roadmap for site improvements.

Nansen helped TC Energy strategically plan and prioritize what initiatives to tackle to get more out of the Optimizely platform and digitally transform the business. By ruthlessly prioritizing updates and maximizing the value of its existing tech stack, the TC Energy team prepared the company for ongoing digital success in the near- and long-term future.


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