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Nansen Aids Episerver in Delivering Rapid Solutions for Frontline Industries

Nansen has teamed up with Episerver and Microsoft to deliver a Digital Experience Platform for healthcare, education, and non-profit groups.

The global coronavirus pandemic, also known as COVID-19, has drastically changed the way we live and work. As much of the world continues to ‘shelter in place’, learn and work from home, and practice social distancing, we’ve seen a massive acceleration in movement to digital platforms.

This increase in digital demand has hit our frontline industries, including healthcare, education, public services, social care, and nonprofit organizations, hardest. As a result, they’re struggling to provide the services and communicate the information they need to a largely remote population.

From schools needing to quickly stand-up e-learning services to hospitals trying to create new patient portals, our frontline workers need rapid assistance to digitally transform their business practices and operate effectively in this time of need.

To help, Nansen has teamed up with Episerver and Microsoft to deliver a Digital Experience Platform that provides:

  • Scalability, reliability, and security: Allowing digital communication without disruption and the ability to handle unexpected spikes in traffic
  • Guaranteed support: 24/7/365 technical support and guidance, so you can focus on your essential business operations instead of troubleshooting digital problems
  • Speed to market: Eliminating all bottlenecks to respond to changing customer demands and rapidly evolving business continuity requirements

Our new Frontline Rapid Deployment Package includes:

Episerver Rapid Deployment Accelerator

Based on the Episerver Foundation platform, which includes Episerver Content Cloud, the accelerator includes all of the core capabilities of Episerver’s content management and search platform, deployed on scalable, secure cloud infrastructure. An out-of-the-box, templated user experience is ready to be customized for your specific needs

Episerver Rapid Response Team Support

24/7/365 Premium Support for deployment and maintenance with an upgraded 99.9% SLA and Top-level Priority Response Time Incident Support

Rapid Design by Nansen

Large to small scale, fixed-price design customization packages from Nansen, tailored to your specific brand requirements and delivered in four weeks or less

Episerver Content Migration Service

Fixed price content data migration to seamlessly transition your content assets to Episerver Content Cloud

Preferred Rates and Priority Deployment

Nansen is currently offering fixed packages for Rapid Design services, including:

  • All-inclusive, preferred rates
  • Priority design and deployment of the Episerver Frontline Industries Package
  • “Skinning” of Episerver templates and pages with your branding and colors
  • Visual and UX design services to adjust designs, layouts, and themes
  • Frontend development to update CSS, styling, and HTML
  • Backend development for configurations and changes to templates
  • Launch to production in Episerver’s DXP environment

Nansen is proud to stand with Episerver and Microsoft in helping our frontline workers quickly and painlessly move their businesses online to better serve the general public in unprecedented times and get back to doing what they do best. If you or someone you know works at a frontline organization struggling to launch a website or portal, contact us to learn how we can help.

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